Data Corrupter

Data Corrupter

Does your guitar tone sound too pure, clean and natural? Do your synth patches sound too normal? Do you ever wish you could just get weird?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, perhaps your data could use some corrupting….

Okay, so forget the corny introduction to this post, this pedal does some very fun things. It’s kind of a vintage synth in a stompbox and it corrupts your signal to a square-wave signal. It’s nuts!

Plus there’s some added wildness with octave/pitch shifting choices. It’s great for a totally bananas fuzz bass sound or a strange 8-bit primitive video game effect. Consider it for your next noise outing.

EarthQuaker Devices make amazingly unique effects and hails from Akron, Ohio. Data Corruptor Modulated Monophonic Harmoning PLL – $229 NEW
