New Ukuleles in Stock

New Ukuleles in Stock

We’re all stocked up on ukuleles for summertime fun in the sun. Come on down and grab a instrument to take camping or to the beach. There’s plenty to choose from. New and used!

– Used Fender Dhani Harrison Signature Model Tenor Ukulele with electronics and soft-case $195

– Alvarez Concert Ukulele w/Solid Bamboo and electronics $269.99

-Kala Mahogany Soprano with Hawaiian Islands $89

-Alvarez Concert Ukulele w/ Solid Mahogany $169.99

-Kala Pacific Walnut Tenor Ukulele $185

-Kala Teak Tri-Top Concert with cutaway and electronics $109

Plus many more!

We’ve been pretty slammed so we’ll be updating the website with the new arrivals ASAP…. Thanks for your understanding.

And just a reminder… everything is 10% off this week in-store or online.
