New Ledges Verb and EarthQuaker Day

New Ledges Verb and EarthQuaker Day

Introducing EarthQuaker Device’s Ledges® Tri-Dimensional Reverberation Machine. Today is it’s official release and we’ve got a couple in stock, up for grabs…

Also, Saturday, August 5th is EarthQuaker Day and all of their products will be 10% all day (except Ledges and in-store only). Have an awesome weekend everyone. See you soon we hope!

Ledges has beautiful Room, Hall, and Plate reverbs with preset capabilities with expression pedal controls and loads of lush settings to enhance any instrument to it’s fullest reflections. $199.

Here’s a few notes from EarthQuaker themselves:

“Ledges® is a three-mode reverb with the ability to save and recall six presets and user-assignable expression control with loads of customizable options. From classic, standard reverb tone to the furthest reaches of the sonic universe, Ledges® is everything anyone could ever want and need out of a reverb.”
