40th Year Anniversary of the Tube Screamer

40th Year Anniversary of the Tube Screamer

Maxon was a forerunner for guitar overdrives and distortions all because of one effect. They changed the world of pedals when they created the TS9 circuit for the Ibanez Tube Screamer back in the day. This cherished overdrive has been used by loads of folks. It’s been modified, cloned and coveted for 40 years now. Maxon is still manufacturing pro-grade pedals and we dig them. Now’s our chance to turn you on to something that fits your needs. The first round of ODs are in stock and up on the website. We’re carrying some favorites and some limited runs, including mods by Earthquaker, Catalinbread and Mr. Tamura himself, the engineer of the original Tube Screamer, which is celebrating it’s 40th year anniversary. We’re excited to be stocking Maxon effects! Made in Japan!
